God’s Protection

Scripture for the day:  John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”

Early American Indians had a unique practice of training a young brave.  On the night of his 13th birthday, he was blindfolded and taken several miles away to spend the night entirely alone.  He had never been away from the security of his family or the tribe before.  When he removed the blindfold, he was alone in the middle of a thick woods.  He was terrified!  Every noise was menacing!  After a very long night, dawn broke.  He looked around and saw flowers, trees and a path.  Then to his utter astonishment, he saw the figure of a man standing just a few feet away holding a bow and arrow.  It was his father.  He had been there all night.

To me, this is the perfect illustration of God’s protection.  God is love!  He sent His Son to die on a cross to save us. He protects us in ways we cannot fathom.  We’ll never know the number of times God has protected us — stood watch over us — all night.  If we accept Jesus, our spirit is protected from eternal damnation.  That is God’s ultimate protection, but He protects us daily in small ways.

John 16:33 says “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart!  I have overcome the world.”

Trials will come.  We will feel alone in the wilderness at times, but Jesus is always there with us.  Like the young Indian brave, we are never alone.  Jesus is standing watch close by.

Job 1:10-12 talks about protective hedges.  Satan accused God of protecting Job, so God allowed the protective hedge to be removed from around Job.  His family, servants, wealth and health were all threatened, harmed, taken away.  God allowed Satan to attack Job and all he had.  Sin can create a void in the protective hedge in our lives, but only God can allow Satan to harm us through it.

Proverbs 1:33 says “But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.”

I can pray believing in God’s protection for my family because He promises protection in His Word!  He is our refuge, our strength, our hope in times of trouble.  We are never alone!  And so today I give every circumstance to Him, knowing that He loves me and will protect me and those I love.

The Bible tells me so.

Song for the day:  “In Christ Alone” by Kristian Stanfill (Newsboys Version)


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